Room Odorizer
Rush | Never Fake It | 25ml
Power Rush | Never Fake It | 10ml
We have the most popular Aromas available in South Africa. There are valid reasons why so many of us turn to using Poppers, as it increases blood flow and kick starts your love juices.
Simply put: “ Aromas turns average sex into great sex”. Poppers enable you to have a better orgasm and a better sex life. As Aromas stimulate your body and mind, your orgasms are much more prolonged and intense. So enjoy endless pleasure with a safe and trusted product.
Why Are Poppers Used?
Poppers do the work of vasodilators which have the task of broadening the blood vessels of the body. When these are inhaled, in a few seconds, the smooth muscles of the body are relaxed. With the controlled muscles, there is relaxation which causes instant head rush, dip in blood pressure and rise in heart rate. This produces enhanced sexual sensations that leads to heat and excitement which lasts for shorter period of time.
These also have another benefit of easier penetration from the point of view of sexual intercourse. Poppers relaxes the sphincters in the body which are a part of vagina as well as anus which helps in better anal sex and regular vaginal penetration. The effect of this inhalation hardly lasts from 60 seconds to 3 minutes in the body.
Safety Tips While Using Poppers
Poppers do not cause intense addiction or any kind of dependence which surely does not mean that precautions should not be taken
It is a highly flammable product and thus should be kept away from skin to avoid chemical burns.
The poppers that contain isopropyl nitrite should be avoided while consuming as it causes permanent eye damage after inhalation.
The drugs that are used for erectile dysfunction cannot be combined with poppers as they both cause decrease in blood pressure which altogether can lead to heart attack, stroke or even death.
A large amount of popper intake can cause methemoglobinemia which makes the role of blood harder for carrying the oxygen throughout the body.
Important Points While Using Poppers
People who are going through conditions like high blood pressure, anemia or any other heart problems should avoid using it as it is potentially dangerous due to its use of increasing the heart rate. Despite of its use in sexual intercourse, sometimes it makes trouble in maintaining erections in men. Poppers with other vasodilators for example levitra, viagra, and so on cause negative effects.